

Aircrack is a popular and powerful WiFi penetration testing tool used to assess WiFi network security. This focuses on monitoring, attacking, testing, and cracking.

Aircrack-ng homepage

Aircrack-ng github


On debian based linux distros you can run sudo apt install aircrack-ng. This will install version 1.6. If you want to install from source I typically:

sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake libtool pkg-config libnl-3-dev libnl-genl-3-dev libssl-dev ethtool shtool rfkill zlib1g-dev libpcap-dev libsqlite3-dev libpcre3-dev libhwloc-dev libcmocka-dev hostapd wpasupplicant tcpdump screen iw usbutils
cd /opt/ && sudo git clone
 && cd aircrack-ng
sudo autoreconf -i
sudo ./configure --with-experimental
sudo make
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig


  • airmon-ng - Enables monitor mode for WiFi chipsets that support it.

    • Eg. airmon-ng start wlan1

  • airodump-ng - Scans for WiFi from selected WiFi interface

    • Eg. airodump-ng wlan1mon - Scans for all networks

    • Eg. airodump-ng -c 1 -o scan.cap --bssid 11:22:33:44:55:66 wlan1mon - Focuses on targeted network, replacing 1 with the channel of the targets WiFi channel and 11:22:33:44:55:66 with the targets MAC Address.

  • aireplay-ng - Used to inject frames in various forms.

    • Eg. aireplay-ng -0 5 -a 11:22:33:44:55:66 wlan1mon

  • aircrack-ng - Cracks captured handshakes that are in .cap file form.

    • Eg. aircrack-ng -w /opt/SecLists/Passwords/rockyou.txt scan.cap

Hotkey shortcuts for Airodump

  • a - Select active areas by cycling through these display options: AP+STA; AP+STA+ACK; AP only; STA only

  • l - Invert sorting algorithm

  • M - Mark the selected AP or cycle through different colors if the selected AP is already marked

  • R - (De-)Activate realtime sorting - applies sorting algorithm everytime the display will be redrawn

  • S - Change column to sort by, which currently includes: First seen; BSSID; PWR level; Beacons; Data packets; Packet rate; Channel; Max. data rate; Encryption; Strongest Ciphersuite; Strongest Authentication; ESSID

  • Space - Pause display redrawing/ Resume redrawing

  • Tab - Enable/Disable scrolling through AP list

  • O - Toggle color on

  • P - Toggle color off

  • Up Arrow - Select the AP prior to the currently marked AP in the displayed list if available

  • Down Arrow - Select the AP after the currently marked AP if available

Last updated