Open Source Intelligence

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is multi-methods methodology for collecting, analyzing, and making decisions about data accessible in publicly available sources to be used in an intelligence context. In the intelligence community, the term "open" refers to over, publicly available sources. A way to gather information that is publicly available essentially.

There is a helpful resource called the OSINT Framework that is focused on gathering information from free tools or resources.

Sock Puppets

What is a Sock Puppet?

An online identity as an alternate identity or fake account. The point is to make is person/account that is not you.

Creating a Sock Puppet

Search Engines

Operator Examples

  • site:reddit.com

  • filetype:pdf

  • "Exact results"

  • AND

  • OR

  • -www

  • intext:password - Shows the term "password" in the text

  • inurl:password - Shows if the term"password" is in the URL

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